It is well known that you cannot go through airport security with liquids of more than 100ml and I am sure we all know someone who has had their bottle of water taken from them at the security scanner. And whether it's to take medicine, in case we get a cough on the plane or just because we're thirsty, there are many of us who are reassured to have a bottle of water with us during the flight.
With Tomi, as soon as we get through the security checkpoint we set out to get one, and that's why in this video we want to share with you where to get the cheapest water in an airport.

Food shops at the airport
Food and beverages of all kinds are available in these shops, and there are several of them in every airport terminal. But if you look closely, you will notice that in 2023 the price of a small bottle of water is between 2.25 and 4.10 euros. In addition, most of these shops are not open around the clock, so if you are at the airport in the early hours of the morning, you cannot buy water from them. We therefore advise against getting water from the shops at the airport, although in an emergency they are still an available option.

Where to get the cheapest water at the airport
Nowadays, we find food and beverage vending machines in most airports, which is where we can find bottles of water at the lowest price. Also, unlike in shops, vending machines are available 24/7, so we can always count on this option.
However, in these machines there can be several brands of water, each with a different price. These machines are self-service, so if you are going to buy your water in one of them we recommend you to check the price of all of them and make sure that the price of the water you prefer is the cheapest before selecting it. For example, in the machines we saw in Barajas there was one option for 2.50 euros, another for 1.80 euros and another for 1.50 euros. Incidentally, six months ago the cheapest water was only 1 euro, so they increased them, but even so, it is still the cheapest option if we need to buy a bottle of water at the airport.
Another advantage of the vending machines is that, as they are self-service, they allow you to get your water without any problem at any airport in the world, without language barriers.

Where to get free water at the airport
Now let's see how to get free water at the airport. This tip requires that we carry a bottle with us in our backpack and - very important - the bottle has to be EMPTY BEFORE going through the security checkpoint. Once through the security checkpoint we will look for one of these drinking fountains to refill our bottle.
The vast majority of airports usually have drinking fountains, either in the corridors or near the toilets. At Barajas we discovered one that we had not seen before and it is this automatic drinking fountain where you bring your bottle and the water comes out by itself.
So, as long as we bring our own bottle, we can refill it at the airport drinking fountains and thus obtain fresh, drinkable and, above all, free water to drink during the rest of the flight.

A self-service Starbucks at Barajas airport?
As a little bonus, for those who like Starbucks, at Barajas airport you can find these self-service mini-stands where you can prepare your own coffee. They work with a card, have a digital screen to choose the options and on the sides you can find the cups, lids, straws, sugar, mixers and napkins. We didn't use them this time, but maybe in the future we'll try them out and see how similar this coffee is to the one in the shop.

We leave you the complete video with all the information:
Questions for our readers:
Have you ever had your water taken away from you at a security checkpoint?
Do you know of any airport where they offer free water?