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Exhibition "Revered and Feared" at the CaixaForum in Madrid

Writer: Apina ViajeraApina Viajera

Until January 14th 2024, the CaixaForum in Madrid is bringing the exhibition "Revered and Feared", which analyses the representation of women in universal art through more than 150 pieces on loan from the British Museum.

The CaixaForum in Madrid is a space that brings together several cultural exhibitions a year with current and attractive proposals. This time we came to visit Revered and Feared, a compilation that highlights the multiple faces of female power, with more than 150 pieces from the British Museum. This exhibition runs until 14 January 2024.

We begin our journey in room 1, "Life and Creation", where women's connection with nature and creation takes centre stage. The Roman statue of the goddess Demeter and the Egyptian papyrus of the goddess Nut introduce us to the wealth of representations of divinities associated with life and fertility. From Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes, to examples from Japan, Nigeria, Ireland and Cambodia, the diversity of perspectives is impressive.

Room 2, "Love", features Venus, Aphrodite, and other deities who have been objects of desire in different cultures. From the Mesopotamian goddess Ishtar to pottery from Athens reflecting social relations in Ancient Greece, the exhibition explores the role of women as symbols of attraction and beauty in various mythologies and eras.

Estatua romana de diosa romana Venus
The Roman goddess Venus

Room 3, "Demons and Magic", takes us into the mysterious world of diabolical goddesses, witches and sorceresses. From the marble sculpture of the Roman goddess Hecate to depictions of Medusa, the exhibition examines the transgressive role of women associated with magic around the world, with further examples from Asia, Oceania, the Americas and Africa.

La ogresa hindú Taraka
The Hindu ogress Taraka

In room 4, "Justice and Defence", the focus shifts to women as protectors and guardians. The Egyptian goddess Sekhmet, the lioness warrior, heads this section, accompanied by the strategic wisdom of Athena and the fertility of Oshun in Yoruba culture. Although some figures may appear bloodthirsty, the exhibition highlights how these female divinities were invoked to protect their people.

La diosa griega Atenea
The Greek goddess Athena

Room 5, "Mothers and Saviours", introduces us to saviours and mothers, highlighting female figures as spiritual guides. From Avalokiteshvara in Buddhism to Isis in Egyptian mythology, the exhibition explores how mother goddesses have been central to different cultures throughout history.

La boddhisattva tibetana Avalokiteshvara
The Tibetan boddhisattva Avalokiteshvara

Finally, room 6 invites us to participate in an interactive experience where we explore five attributes: Fertility, Sensuality, Ambition, Rage and Resilience, as power or condemnation. A unique opportunity to reflect on the diversity of roles and attributes associated with women throughout time, and even in the present.

"Revered and Feared" at CaixaForum is a fascinating window into the richness and complexity of female power in the history of humanity. If you are in Madrid, don't miss this exhibition which will be on display until 14 January 2024!

We hope you enjoy this experience as much as we do! We leave you here below a video with a summary of the highlights of the exhibition:

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Questions for our readers:

What is your favourite goddess or mythological female figure?
What other exhibitions have you visited that explore female power in history?

Leave your answer in the comments!


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